Monday, June 10, 2002

Ground Crews Pulling Back from Westcreek
Mountain Communities Fire is pulling out of Westcreek and moving south to Manitou Lake due to the progress of the fire.

Air drops continuing.
Hayman Fire - Air Tankers Standing By
Four air tankers and a lead plane (used to guide the tankers in over a fire) have been committed to the Hayman Fire. They are standing by in Durango and Pueblo. Additional tankers and helicopters from Jeffco or Ft. Collins may also be committed, but I haven't picked that up yet on the scanner frequencies I monitor.
The Pike National Forest and all BLM lands in Teller, Park, Jefferson, Douglas and El Paso counties are CLOSED to all uses and accesses starting Monday, 10 June 2002!! This is being done to protect lands and residents from the extreme fire danger in these areas.

This country is tinder dry, folks! Please, please please be careful as you drive through on the roads that are open.

More info at my Hayman Fire page

The folks at the Forest Service have a new map, accurate as of 9pm last night.

Sunday, June 09, 2002

Rick Grenfell was kind enough to share his pictures from the Four Mile Area (approx. 10 miles SE of the fire). These pictures were taken around noon today.
Westcreek Evacuation
The sheriff's office just announced the evacuation of Westcreek and everything south to the Painted Rocks Road (CR 78) and US Hwy 67. Evacuees are being told to head south - to Woodland Park High School on Rampart Range Road.
Other evacuations:

  • The Malta/Waterton Powerline was shut down last night at midnight. The Divide powerline will shut down soon.
  • All points west of Highway 67 to the Jefferson and Douglas County line.
  • In addition, Highway 67 is closed from West Creek to Sugar Creek and from Trumbull to Sugar Creek and east to the Rampart Range Road, including the Rampart Range Road.
  • Molly Gulch Campground
  • Goose Creek Campground
  • Flying G Girl Scout Ranch
  • Lost Valley Ranch
  • Lutheran Valley
  • Wild Horn
  • PCR 77, mile marker 35-39
  • Forest Service Road 211, PCR 77 to Cheesman
  • Y Camp Road
  • South Platte River, from the Douglas County side is closed to recreation of any sort.
  • Evacuations are in effect for all private land and recreation areas between Matukat Road and Cedar Mountain Road up to Highway 67.
  • Wigwam
  • Deckers
  • Trumbull

Shelters are open at:

  • Woodland Park High School, Woodland Park (for Park & Teller County residents)
  • Lake George Elementary, (for Park County residents)
  • Elk Creek High School (for Jefferson Co residents)
  • Sedalia Middle School, Sedalia (for Douglas County residents)
Hayman Fire Update

Fire has grown to 19,000+ acres. Growing at 500 ac per hour. Moving to the northeast generally along the Platte River from Lake George towards Deckers. This fire is not under control.

Latest update from the forest service is chilling. Evacuations are underway or will be underway shortly for Deckers, Trumbull, Wigwam, and all points west of Highway 67 to the Jefferson and Douglas County line. Hwy 67 is closed between Painted Rocks campground on the south and West Creek on the north. Interests between Hwy 67 and Rampart Range Road are being alerted.

This is a very fast moving fire.

Hayman Fire

The Hayman Fire started six miles NW of Lake George, CO, near the Round Mountain campground at about 5pm on Saturday, 8 June 2002. Purported cause is a campfire. As of this morning it is over 400 ac and moving to the northeast, generally along the Platte River valley towards Cheesman Resevoir. Twenty residences, twenty outbuildings and four commercial structures destroyed so far. Authorities are evacuating homes and campers in the path of the fire in Park, Jefferson, and Douglas Counties.

Good info can be obtained from the Nat'l. Forest Service dispatch center in Pueblo, CO:

I've also started a page at that I will be adding to as I get more info.