Friday, November 17, 2000

Four Mile Farmer's Club Thanksgiving Dinner
The Four Mile Farmer's Club Thanksgiving Dinner is tonight. It is wonderful to live in a community where everyone gets together to celebrate Thanksgiving with each other!

Sunday, November 12, 2000

Teller County Election Results
If you're looking for the Teller County election results... No Florida-close races here!

Referendum 1A, which would have provided tax money to preserve open space in Teller County, failed. This is unfortunate since there is now no good viable option for large landowners other than selling their proprty to developers. This means that many of our sight corridors and vistas will change - we'll be looking at houses instead of trees.

The referendum to allow the Four Mile Emergency Services to keep tax money they collect and use it to pay for new apparatus passed - you can count on the folks in Four Mile to make good decisions.
Evergreen Station Closed
The Evergreen Station general store is closed. At least temporarily. Margarita Owens has decided that she's going to try something different. I've heard that there is a buyer. We'll see.
We had the first real snow of the 2000-2001 season in Four Mile yesterday. We got about 5+ inches between 5:30am and 6:30am. And another 2+ inches during the rest of the day and night. Winter's here to stay.
This is the place where "breaking" news, gossip and items of interest will be logged and published to the Four Mile community - both home and away.

We'll see how it works...