Saturday, November 25, 2000

Evergreen Station is Open
Evergreen Station is open again. The new owners have changed the inside quite a bit. Stop on by and say hello!
Millenium Holiday Tree
Colorado was chosen to supply the Christmas Tree for the national capitol this year. The tree was harvested from the Pike National Forest just a few miles north of Woodland Park. More about the project: Colorado's Millennium Holiday Tree

I have mixed emotions about harvesting live trees for Christmas trees. This one was blessed by Ute elders to ask permission of the tree pror to its being harvested.

Certainly lots of people have gotten involved. Lots of individuals and companies have helped out with the cutting and transportation. School kids have made ornaments. The tree will make lots of stops across the country as it heads to Washington, DC. So a pretty good sized community is growing up around this project - that's good.

There are also souveniers that you can buy. If you buy 'em from the Teller County Extension Office, the Teller County 4H program (that's local kids, folks!) get a share of the proceeds. Check it out: Millennium Tree Products from Teller County 4H