Tuesday, January 23, 2001

So Enough With These Crooks Already!
Popular opion in the neighborhood is split between whether the remaining two Texas Seven have departed the area or are lurking around somewhere. So off to work I go only to discover that the authorities have found the van these two were driving almost next door to my office building. I am about to get paranoid...

Monday, January 22, 2001

There's Gotta Be Happier News...
I noticed that the last two posts are about murderers and escaped convicts...not very pleasant stuff.

On a lighter and more interesting note, the skies have been clear out here in God's country and we've been enjoying Jupiter, Saturn and Venus in the night sky. Block and Byrd at Earth and Sky have a cool website and NPR radio broadcast that help me figure out what's good to see on the cellestial TV each night.
Five-Sevenths of the Texas Seven Accounted For
Woodland Park is not in Four Mile, but it is the nearest town with a Safeway and a movie theater, so stuff like this keeps us glued to our TV's. We're still keeping to doors locked because of the other two that are wandering around someplace...kinda spooky. CNN has pretty good coverage and that's what I'm watching.

No apparant connection with the murders over in Bear Trap.