Monday, July 02, 2012

Waldo Containment Improves

The latest news this morning is that Waldo is:
Size: 17827 acres
Containment: 55%

Almost all evacuations have been lifted. There are areas near Rampart Reservoir and, of course, the Mountain Shadows neighborhood in Colorado Springs, that remain evacuated. See the InciWeb for details.

Fire Progression Map

The areas added on June 29 & 30 are either in-burns (burning unburned fuels in the middle of the burned area) or containment back-burns (see purple area on the edge) to improve the containment line.

Status Map Showing Containment (Black) Lines

Sunday, July 01, 2012

New Day Dawns - Evacuations Lifted!

Dawn of a New Day
Dawn from western Teller County looking toward the Waldo Fire area

Evacuations Lifted!!!
Great news on the Waldo front!!

Evacuations for Teller County residents were lifted yesterday at 4:00pm!

El Paso County residents (Cascade, Green Mountain Falls and Chipita Park) are being allowed on US Hwy 24 as of 9:00am today!

Highway 24 will be open as of 1:00pm today!!

Waldo Stats (as of 30 June 2012 evening)
Size: 17659 acres
Containment: 45%
Deaths: 2
Homes Lost: 346
Waldo Fire Map - 1 July 2012

Still not "out"
Waldo is far from "out". The fire must first be contained and then controlled. It is still less than 50% contained. The northern edge is still open.

Today is a red flag day - let's hope we get through it without a break to the north.

Fire will continue to burn unbvurnt fuel inside the containment lines until all fuel is spent. Areas in the interior will continue to smolder until the rains come in August or the snows come in October. We will be living with some smoke and ash for a bit longer...