Friday, July 06, 2001

Happy Birthday USA
Well, it's the middle of the summer. The weather in Four Mile is great.

Fourth of July celebrations all over Teller County went off without incident this year and it seems that a great time was had by all. I enjoyed the fireworks in Cripple Creek on the fourth and the Symphony Above the Clouds symphony performance and fireworks in Woodland Park on the fifth.

The people in Cripple Creek outdid themselves with the fireworks this year. Seems like every year they have been getting a little better each year.

As usual, the Symphony Above the Clouds event in Woodland Park was great - the football field was packed with people from all over the county (and some from down in the flatlands). The symphony did a great job (love the howitzer section from Ft. Carson and their excellent solo during the 1812 Overture). The theme of the concert this year was a trbute to the 60th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor so they played a selection of big band numbers that were popular at the time. I liked the music, but longed for more traditional patriotic stuff. The orchestra did play America the Beautiful. I think it is simply the most moving experience in the world to listen to that piece of music played live, outdoors, with a view of Pikes Peak behind the orchestra!! Unfortunately, the fireworks display was not very good, IMHO. The folks from Cripple Creek did a much better job...and the fireworks display in Woodland park last year was better. Hope they fix it up for next year!